Online courses

Prefer to do things from the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace?

We totally get it, which is why we’re starting to add more to the courses we have available so that you can access the goodness that helps you to thrive in a way that suits you (which is a dream, really!)

Currently we’ve got our ‘Yoga for Corporate Wellness’ course available, designed for individuals in any kind of workplace to help them find a healthier, more empowering workplace experience through the yoga and self-enquiry tools in each week of the course. Go on, check it out!

We’ll be sure to keep this page updated with newer courses as they’re created and become available.

Learn more


We love events. We love the sense of connection that can come out of them – regardless of whether they’re in-person or online. We’ve discovered that feeling doesn’t change. Our events are experiential, informative, self-reflective, safe, and allow space for the range of responses that can come from the things you explore about yourself. Each of our events vary, depending on what we’re delivering. Some of our workshops will include yoga, breathing practices, restorative practices, self and group-work, informational and experiential sessions based on specific topics, just to start. All delivered and held within the comfortable cocoon we create as a group as part of the event.

With the restrictions that have been in place due to COVID-19, we’ve furloughed in-person events for the meantime. Once things open up and feel safe enough to, we’ll be able to offer some of our events in-person again. However, our online events have been and will always be available in order to connect us beyond geographical location!

What’s on