What does it mean to come home to yourself? It is vastly different to ‘coming back’ to yourself. Coming back to yourself indicates a sense of moving backwards into a place you no longer exist in. Whereas ‘coming home’ allows you to exist now, exactly as you are, without any pressure of whether that is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It just ‘is’. You can just be. There is so much freedom in that!

I have had the kind of day where I really felt home in myself. I usually feel a general sense of that, but today it was really clear. Some of my favourite days, usually on a weekend in the past but these days it could be any day, are those where I have things I want to do but I’m not viewing any of it as work. They are days where I can put on a Bruce Springsteen-or similar soundtrack in the car or at home, go about and get my things done, whatever they may be, and feel content (but not complacent). These are the days I feel the magic in just living life without that need for every day to be particularly super amazing or productive or whatever I decide it should be. This is every day life, those moments I talk about at the end of savasana that are the ‘in between’ – what makes up most of our lives between going from Point A to Point B, that we often try and rush through. It’s days like these that are the reason we work towards the lives we want to live. Not because of the goal, but because it makes the journey so much sweeter.

I’ve mentioned before that this year has already been one of huge transformation for me, but because of this there have admittedly been less of these contented, in-between every-days, and more days just filled with busy, or lessons, or learnings, or stillness to integrate the learnings… You get the idea. Today I celebrated feeling that familiar sense of home within myself. Not because it had left me or I had left it, but simply celebrating because I reminded myself through just being that it is always there. It’s there not because I took a backwards step to reach it. It was there because no matter how far I go, it will always keep up. And it’s ok that I have had these other types of days in the meantime. They haven’t been bad days either. They have all been beautiful in their own ways and, like these ‘home’ days, are also days that make up my life as it is. These home days are just where I can really feel like I can rest and catch my breath, even in the midst of the to-do list. It’s a sweet reminder of how that feels, so I won’t as easily forget it once I inevitably move into whatever kind of day tomorrow is. And because it’s not forgotten, and because it will always continuously keep up with me, even if my focus is directed elsewhere, I will always have it.